Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Tuesday, 26 December 2023

    Tuesday 26th December (Boxing Day) - not sure I saw all 9

    The ponies were in the thick gorse on the western slope of Brock's Hill at 1045 today. Counting proved very difficult as they were in the gorse on both sides of the path up the hill and kept moving about so that I could not be sure that I hadn't counted some already.  I could see seven in one go but by the time I tracked down two more I couldn't be sure I hadn't counted them before.  We went away for an hour into the other enclosure and when we came back there were seven on the north of the path easily visible.  They all seem well and the ponies I recognised as newbies were happy with me wandering around to inspect them.

    Six of those visible when we returned...

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    Tuesday 18th February - All 7 seen

    All seven ponies were grazing in the open area of D3/4 in the NW corner of the site at 1130 today. The ground there is still very boggy but ...