Emergency Procedure

If you need to report an emergency to us such as injured or escaped livestock or damaged infrastructure please follow this procedure:

  1. Call the office on 01256 381190.
  2. If no one answers, wait for the answering message which will detail the name and mobile number of the member of staff who is currently on call.
  3. Phone the on-call member of staff who will then respond accordingly.


  • Please do not phone a member of staff directly unless you know they are on-call.

  • If you are unsure if a particular situation qualifies as an emergency then please phone the on-call member of staff anyway so that they can make the decision on how to proceed.

  • Most importantly of all – please do not report injuries or sick animals via the blog alone – always call the emergency on-call contact.

    Thank you!

    Monday, 30 September 2024

    3pm, Mon 30 Sept, none again today!

    Despite a reasonable search they remained elusive.  The ground is quite water logged so i remained in the drier areas and will wear wellies next time.  Will pass through again later in the week so hope to see them then.

    Sunday, 29 September 2024

    Sunday 29th September - All 5 seen

    The ponies were grazing in the pasture near ///gets.spooned.equity at 11:50 this morning. They were all very friendly, coming over to say hello and receive some strokes. The foal enjoyed a long neck rub, giving me head rubs in return. Nicky joined me to check on the little one's face, and we noticed the hair loss had worsened slightly since Friday. He had a few bald patches above his eyes and behind his ears. It appears to be a fungal infection, and although he was reluctant, he received his first treatment. The ponies continued grazing to the east, enjoying the long grass.

    By 13:00, the ponies had moved near ///delved.clerk.dairy. Once again, they came over to greet me. Pandora was especially friendly, enjoying a neck rub and licking my hand several times. The ponies were all happy, relaxed and looking well. I said my goodbyes at around 13:20 as they continued grazing.

    On our second visit, we met a father and son attempting to reach the ponies to feed them carrots. Nicky kindly explained why this wasn't a good idea, reminding them that ponies can kick and bite. They understood and were fine with the advice.

    The ponies were all good today.

    Saturday, 28 September 2024


     All found lazing in the sun looking fine at 9.30 near the gate to the test track section. 

    Friday, 27 September 2024

    Friday 27th September - All 5 seen

    The ponies were found near ///allies.starting.factor at 16:20 this afternoon. Poppy was resting in the sunshine, but happily welcomed a neck rub when I approached. The others were grazing nearby, surrounded by bracken. They were all very friendly and took turns coming over to greet me. I was surprised at how dry they were, given all the recent rain.

    The foal rushed over when he saw me, giving me lots of cuddles. I noticed some hair loss on his face and I've shared some close-up photos with the owner. Otherwise, he was happy and enjoyed a long neck rub, lavishing me with lots of nuzzles and licks. After nursing from his mum, he returned for a back rub, though he was shedding quite a bit of hair as I stroked him.

    By 17:00, the ponies had moved south towards Brock's Hill, still happily grazing. When the sun came out from behind the clouds, they paused to bask in the warmth. Pandora was very friendly and enjoyed plenty of neck strokes. She was completely relaxed, even resting a hind leg. After a short while, the foal came and joined us, wanting another neck rub. He soon lay down beside me as I continued to stroke him. By 17:25, he'd had enough and rolled around on the grass before getting up and wandering down to rejoin the others.

    The ponies continued to graze peacefully on the eastern slope of Brock's Hill. Pandora and Tilly nibbled on leaves from bushes on the opposite side of the track, while the foal alternated between grazing and being stroked. Megan and Poppy continued to graze together at the foot of the hill. I said my goodbyes at 18:15 as it began to get chilly.

    The ponies were all good today.

    Tuesday, 24 September 2024

    Tuesday 24th September - All 5 seen

    Found one pony on the track to the NE of Brock's Hill at 1500 this afternoon, the others were in amongst the gorse in E5.  They could not be seen from the top of Brock's Hill thanks to the summer's growth and we had walked to the Test Track gate and back before the one pony presented itself.  That pony was accompanied by a pair of deer on the hill side of the track who stood still watching us for a while then bounded up to the top of the hill before I could get my phone out.  All ponies (and deer) appeared well.

    Mon 23 Sept, belated, none spotted


    Sunday, 22 September 2024

    Sunday 22nd September - All 5 seen

    The ponies were grazing along the northern slope of Brock's Hill at 13:55 this afternoon. Pandora saw me approaching and came over to greet me with gentle nuzzles, happy accepting some neck strokes in return. Megan was also very friendly, coming up to say hello and allowing me to stroke her muzzle. The foal soon followed, showering me with cuddles and licks. Although a little damp, he thoroughly enjoyed a back rub followed by his usual neck rub, looking completely relaxed and as gorgeous as ever. Tilly enjoyed an ear rub, while Poppy preferred a back rub.

    The little one stayed close, enjoying more back rubs as he grazed. Just before 14:30, he came back for another neck rub, and soon lay down in front of me, wanting me to carry on. It wasn't long before he was struggling to keep his eyes open, and soon after, he fell fast asleep while I gently stroked him. I quietly got up to let him rest. It was heartwarming to see that, even as he grows, he still loves falling asleep to a relaxing neck rub.

    The girls had been grazing, but soon began to rest. Poppy relaxed with another back rub, even resting a hind leg as I stroked her. Just before 14:55, the foal woke up and nursed from his mum. The ponies then climbed to the top of the hill to continue grazing. Poppy quickly took a break and cautiously came back to see me. Soon, she was enjoying a long neck rub. It was lovely to spend some quiet time with her.

    I said goodbye to the ponies at 15:15, and as I walked away, they began descending the eastern side of the hill.

    The ponies were all good today.

    Friday, 20 September 2024

    Friday 20th September - All 5 seen

    At 16:30, I was fortunate to spot Tilly emerging from the thicket near the Test Track gate as I walked down the path. She stopped for a drink from a puddle, then came straight over to greet me. Soon, the other four ponies appeared, and one by one, they came over for a hello and some strokes. The foal, after giving me some lovely cuddles, enjoyed his first neck rub.

    The ponies began grazing in the pasture on the other side of the path, basking in the warm sun. Poppy stayed behind for an ear and neck rub, giving me gentle nuzzles in return. It was great to spend some quiet time with her as she quickly relaxed. Just before 17:00, the foal nursed from his mum, then came back over to have the sides of his neck stroked. He looked gorgeous in the sunshine, fully relaxing and resting a hind leg. Whenever I paused, he would nudge me gently, encouraging me to continue. By 17:25, he had had enough and wandered off to graze.

    As the ponies grazed, they gradually made their way towards the pond, often returning to spend time with me. Pandora enjoyed having her neck stroked, while Tilly loved a long back rub as she grazed. The foal took another break to enjoy a back rub, after letting me remove more burs from his mane. I had some lovely moments with the ponies today, who were all happy, relaxed, and looking great.

    By 18:00, the ponies reached the Gelvert stream, where several stopped for a drink before jumping into the neighbouring pasture. They alternated between grazing and returning for more strokes. I said my goodbyes just after 18:30, as they grazed by the side of the path.

    The ponies were all good today.

    Tuesday, 17 September 2024

    Tuesday 17th September '24 - Staff Check

    Thanks to Gordon and his W3W I headed for the far corner with test track and found all five ponies chilling out in the shade. No issues to report. 

    Monday, 16 September 2024

    Monday 16th September - All 5 seen

    The ponies were grazing in the trees near ///groups.series.noted in the far northeast corner of the site at 12:50 this afternoon. They were all together and were totally calm and relaxed. One by one, they came over to greet me. The foal welcomed me with cuddles and licks before enjoying a neck rub. The two newcomers were also very friendly, with Tilly enjoying some ear rubs and Poppy getting a back rub.

    The ponies ventured out into the warm sunshine for a short time, enjoying the long grass, but soon returned to the shade of the trees. The little one came over for more strokes, and I was able to remove the sticky burs from his mane. Afterwards, he nursed from his mum before returning to grazing. The ponies were all happy, relaxed and looking well. It was great to see they had all settled down.

    Just as I was about to leave, the little one came over for more strokes. He positioned himself under a tree and enjoyed a long back rub. He was completely relaxed, resting a hind leg and closing his eyes. I reluctantly said goodbye to the ponies at 14:00, with them all still happily grazing.

    The ponies were all good today.

    Wednesday 19th February- All 7 seen; observations to check

    All 7 ponies seen, relaxed and grazing but a few of them have things to check/ monitor (I’ve let Sean know) Beechwood? Baby bay mare - has h...